Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Having the family gathered around I asked what Crysle would like to be in the future. She replied "a teacher". So I said to the family I would like to make them all a partner with me . The deal was that I would see to it that Crysle who obviously was very smart, would go to college if she proves well in her current studies and the family must in return keep her safe from the boys so that she doesn't end up with 2 children like her sister at 17 and continue the cycle of poverty. I told them that Crysle is their asset and must be protected and after becoming a teacher their lives would improve and the younger children would then have their own chance as well. The family agreed and I told them I would sometimes provide them with jobs on the land in order to help with daily needs. They were quite happy to accept this as well. So it seems we have our first student in residence to be.

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