Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Boys lodging and cooking facilities

It is hard to believe but up to 90% of the rural deaf in the Philippines never learn to communicate with sign language. In these areas they are destined to a life of servitude, sexual and physical abuse. Some of the stories are horrid. Having the kind soul that Sarah has, she has dedicated her life to helping to improve the lives of such victims. She liasons with the local Dept. of Social Welfare and takes in the cases most in need but as I mentioned the need is so great that there is never enough space at her facility to accomodate more than 30 or so students, a drop in the bucket but with limited funds there is no choice. Sarah does wonders with the small funding that is donated to her cause. Here is an example: you may remember the boys dormitory a rundown bamboo shack with a kitchen that is quite hard to imagine having to live and cook in but live in and cook for themselves her boy charges did and with gratitude that someone was kind enough to provide them with a shelter and a bonus of studying how to communicate and basic education.

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